As a host, you are not permitted to use your business name, logo, or contact information within your listings, profile or when communicating with a guest through messaging. Our platform is best used to advertise and market your space and the experience a guest can have in it with their own booking, not your business.
We require hosts to use a friendly profile photo. We've received a lot of feedback from guests who feel more comfortable messaging hosts when they can put a face to their name, and our goal is to continue to build this type of trust in the marketplace, as it leads to more inquiries and bookings. Keep in mind, your business' logo or watermark can't be used as a profile photo or as part of your listing's photos. We highly recommend reviewing the full list of our requirements for live listings.
We don't allow communications between our hosts and guests to go outside of the platform in order to limit your exposure to fraud and other liabilities. For security and insurance purposes, we cannot allow hosts to encourage guests to take communications off of the platform. Doing so takes away our ability to assist in the event of a dispute and can result in the removal of the user from the marketplace. For more information, reference the full Peerspace Community Guidelines.
We must also insist that you wait until the guest arrives for their confirmed booking to give them necessary information for the booking.