After your bookings wrap up, your payout will be on its way straight to your bank account through direct deposit. Typically, you can expect the money to arrive within 7 business days after the booking is complete.
Here’s how it works: We release and process your funds 72 hours after a booking finishes. Then, it’s just a few days in transit before they land safely in your account.
You can view your payout history to check the status of pending payments at any time from your payout dashboard.
You’ll also get update when things are moving! 72 hours after each completed booking, you will receive an email notification that your payout has been “scheduled.” Once it’s en route to your account, it will show as “processing.” Once it’s received, it will show as “paid.” Learn more about your payout statuses here.
Factors that can delay the payout process include holidays, opened disputes on the booking, invalid banking information on file, as well as being a booking outside the US, as these can take a few additional days to process.
If you don't see a deposit in your bank account after 7 or more business days following the event, please notify our team.