Before the original booking start time:
As long as the request is being made prior to the original booking start time, you can reschedule by submitting a booking update for your host to approve.
However, if your booking was an invite-to-book, your host will need to submit the booking update for you to accept.
Note: Prior to submitting a booking update to reschedule your booking, we recommend messaging your host first to check if they are able and willing to accommodate for your reschedule request. Keep in mind that hosts block out dates/times for events and turn away other bookings, so reschedules may not always be possible. Hosts are not required to accommodate for reschedules, but are encouraged to assist when they can.
After the original booking has started:
If it is past the original booking start time, and you'd like to reschedule your booking, you will need direct written approval from the host via Peerspace messaging.
If this has been obtained, please contact Support for further assistance.
Cancellation and Refund Policy:
The terms Cancellation and Refund Policy for the booking will be updated based upon the new booking update.