Value Added Tax (VAT) is an indirect tax that Peerspace collects in certain localities where it’s required. In some locations, this indirect tax has different names, like the Goods and Services Tax (GST), but for the purposes of this article, these indirect taxes will be collectively called VAT.
VAT will be applied to the Peerspace service fees on your booking based on the billing address you provide and whether your locality requires an indirect tax on electronically supplied services.
When is VAT charged?
VAT is deducted from your payout and is based on the total host service fee for a reservation (unless otherwise exempt). If a reservation is changed, VAT or GST adjusts to reflect any change in the host service fee.
If you need to collect VAT on your space fees, cleaning fees, or add-ons, please include that VAT in your prices and specify your VAT rate. Peerspace will not charge its service fee on VAT that you collect.
If you collect VAT, guests may ask you for an invoice for any VAT you collect and you’ll need to provide them with an invoice directly. Peerspace only provides invoices for the VAT that Peerspace collects on service fees.
Additional resources
Please consult your nearest local tax offices or your tax advisors as to your specific tax consequences. For more information: