Overtime: Overtime charges are automatically processed. Once a host submits overtime for your booking, your card on file will be charged and you will receive an email with the details. If you believe the Overtime charge has been made in error, you may reach out to us within 48 hours by clicking here.
Extra Charges: Additional charge items such as add-ons or additional cleaning submitted by hosts after a booking are manually handled by our Customer Experience Team. Once we receive the host submission, we email you with a breakdown of the charges. We provide a 48 hour timeframe in which to dispute any charges. After that time, the charge and booking become settled.
Damages: If a host reports damages from your booking, our Customer Experience team will contact you directly via email with a summary of the damages, reimbursement cost, and next steps. To pay for the damages, simply confirm the charge in the email from the CX team.