Reviews are at the core of building trust on Peerspace. The more positive reviews that you collect, the more confidence guests will have in booking your space.
There are two types of users who can review your space, guests and attendees.
Guests: People who book your space will be prompted to leave a review after their booking ends. This review will only be made public when you submit your review of them, so be sure to complete your reviews of guests.
Attendees: People who attend a booking in your space can also leave a review. These people are the guests of your guests and have the pleasure of getting to know your space. If they have RSVP'd to the event via Peerspace, they will be prompted to review your space after the booking concludes.
Note: Reviews from attendees are not factored into the star rating shown on your listing.
We’ll let you know via email when a guest or attendee reviews your space. To view past reviews, follow the instructions described here.
If you believe any of the content in a guest or attendee’s review is dishonest or violates our content guidelines, please contact us by clicking here and provide the person's name along with the event date. Our team will work with you to collect any context and evidence to evaluate if we are able to remove or allow a response to the review.