If you need to update or reschedule a booking, don’t worry—there’s an easy way to make those changes using booking update feature.
If you'd prefer to cancel, a booking must be formally cancelled through your Peerspace account from the website (desktop and mobile) or the iOS app.
- Navigate to the bookings tab of your account
- Click on the booking in question
- Click “Cancel Booking”, located at the top of the page
- You will need to include a reason for cancelling the booking and a message to send to your host
- Review the cancellation details and click the red “Cancel Booking” button to confirm the cancellation.
Important note: Contacting support about cancelling a booking or messaging about a cancellation through your Peerspace inbox does not count as a formal cancellation.
Once the cancellation is submitted on your end, the appropriate refund (if applicable) will process immediately. Please allow 7-10 business days depending on your bank for the refunded amount to reflect back into your account.
Please note that all cancellations are subject to the Peerspace cancellation and refund policy.