At the conclusion of each booking, you'll receive an email with the subject line "Leave a review for {Guest Name}". To add a review, click the red “Add a review” button to provide your honest feedback.
You may also be prompted to write a review of the guest when you are logged into your Peerspace account. Please keep in mind that you will not be able to accept new booking requests or transact on the platform until all pending reviews of guests have been submitted.
Please note that hosts will only be prompted to write a review for the guest of record who booked the space and do not have the opportunity to review attendees. The host and guest must submit their respective reviews in order for them to be published; however, reviews written by attendees are published immediately (regardless of who else has completed a review).
If you believe any of the content in a guest or attendee's review is dishonest or violates our content guidelines, please contact us by clicking hereand provide the name along with the event date. Our team will work with you to collect any context and evidence to evaluate if we are able to remove or allow a response to the review, based on our content guidelines.